Monday, June 14, 2021

MSLN Creation Account

A quick MSLN creation account:

One reading of the MSLN creation story is that the Father started out barely a person at all, with perhaps bare free will, consciousness, the capacity to barely communicate, to trust and be betrayed, and the ability to "birth" another being. The first being he created was the Son, and they communicated with each other. Patterns of communication produce trust, and more elaborate communications produced deeper trust. These became the simantic words. The Father was bearing the burden of the Son's consciousness through omnisubjectivity, and the Son was bearing what he could of the Father's burden. The Father and Son cared about each other's well-being. By creating the simantic words, they were creating what it meant to be a person, creating their own natures. Each choice they made was right, and established some element of well-being. Eventually, they reached a place of completion, where they knew who they were. Now it was time to create more beings, who wouldn't automatically and inherently be in tune with that initial legitimacy.

A somewhat more orthodox view (from a Christian perspective) is that this process of co-creation was somehow always already done, was something done over eternity past.

I tend to want to be skeptical of actual infinites, which makes me skeptical of eternity past. So I favor the first account.

23 June 2021: It's possible that Father and Son each began at the same time. This is more compatible with the Bible.

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