Monday, February 28, 2022

How Can We Trust, Given MSLN Theodicy?

In a world where many things (maybe most things) could be the way they are as a result of MSLN theodicy -- a negotiation between God and Satan -- how can you trust anything?

The short answer is, by experience. If you find something to be trustworthy, you can assume that it is, unless something comes up that makes you doubt it. If you have a lot of experience with something, the room for doubt shrinks, although in principle it never goes away. For some things that are sufficiently trustworthy, not trusting them is riskier than trusting them.

Experience starts out as your own. Usually you trust other people before you come to be able to think critically, but you trust them because on some level you trust yourself (at least passively, if not always actively). If by trusting yourself you trust them, then you may trust their experiences, or perhaps their trustings that are based on their experiences and trustings, which broadens your potential epistemic and fiducial worlds (gives you new things to believe are true and new permission or motivation to trust things, and also gives you new things to doubt or distrust).

I find that satisfying (for now) in answering one sense of "How can you trust anything?" ("How can you allow yourself to trust anything at all?"). It's a general account that could apply to most worldviews, I would guess.

There is another sense to "How can you trust anything?" which is, practically speaking, how do you go about it?, which the above also answers to some extent. But, there may be more MSLN theodicy-specific ways to trust, to add to the account.

One obvious thing to do is to ask (when you have the chance to be reflective) "Which elements of this reality might likely be from God, or be aligned with God, and what might be from Satan, or be aligned with Satan?" Then, consider ways to mitigate whatever harm might come from Satan, in the cases where it seems likely that something might serve Satan's purposes. Or consider ways to mitigate potential Satanic furtherance when you could be wrong and maybe what you think is from God is really from Satan. (Bearing in mind the point earlier about the risks of not trusting things that really are trustworthy.)

Also, given what God is doing, how can you assist the basic drift of what seems to be communicated from above? We have the power to make reality more trustworthy, either to make the outcomes God intends more trustworthy (further his intentions), or the ones that Satan intends more trustworthy (inhibit his/their intentions).


That expresses about how far my thinking has progressed on this topic, but there may be more to the topic than that.

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