Thursday, June 1, 2023

News: 1 June 2023

I recently finished releasing Waiting for Margot and Reality, as you may know.

I am now offering the older books I've written for sale as print books for $15 each. I like print books and sometimes pay $15 (or more) for new books, so I feel like someone else might feel the same for mine. My books sell better than I expected at the brick-and-mortar store (Verbatim) in San Diego where I sell them. I hope to have a print version of Waiting for Margot available soon.

Today I released some "wordless prayers" on YouTube and (MIDI instrumentals.) Like Reality, I see them as expressing ideas and feelings that follow from my writing.


I deleted my Twitter account finally. (I mostly stopped posting in November.)


I've cleared out all the unreleased material I had intended to release. Now what? One possibility is to work on music. I am ambivalent about music. Writing is something I clearly want to do, but music feels strange to me. I can see how music has its advantages, and I have some talent at music (but with skill deficits). It's certainly a useful side project, to fill in the "right-brained" side of what I'm trying to say. But I don't completely want to do it.

Another possibility is to continue the background work for engaging with non-Christian religions (read about other religions, learn Indonesian). It can seem like I'm impossibly far from being competent in those areas (but I am not expecting to be anytime soon).

A third possibility is to start reviewing this blog (look at every post and make comments and/or corrections). I had been putting this off because I thought it would get me into doing philosophy, which I have decided to avoid until October 2024. I think I can go ahead with it if I simply note when I have a question about my philosophy or see how it should be better, and then not resolve that until later.

One thing I'm more sure I will do with this blog is make posts of links to things that are too long for my subreddit.

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