Monday, December 7, 2020

Degrees of Existence

When something exists to me, in some way it is not separate from me. What I can see with my eyes is wrapped up in my experience, is part of my experience body. If it does not exist to me, it is separate from me, and a thing that does not exist at all does not even have the possibility of coming into relation with me. It is as though it is infinitely separate from me. Some of the things I can see with my eyes, I'm not focusing on -- they are more separate, but still not so far away from my person.

Perhaps the intimate but non-obvious identity of my experience with part of God's as in the metaphysical organism idea lends itself to being read as God's non-existence. The being who is close in every way fades into the background -- as the background is everywhere, but the foreground is not. What I do not focus on exists less to me.

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