Saturday, December 12, 2020

Flat View of Experience

According to simantism, every experience, every simantic word, is spoken to you by God. Therefore, in reality, every moment, whether good, bad, or ordinary, is divine.

In evil moments we may find it impossible to see God, but it must be through God that they are spoken nonetheless. God has to speak things to us that he would rather not.

Dreams, hallucinations, and peak experiences are taken to be more divine than others, by some people. But God is not found in the experiences themselves. Experiences are like poems, and God is like their poet. You can know something about a poet through their poetry, but a poet can write a lot of different poems, which say different things. How do you really know a poet? How do you get from only knowing what someone says, to knowing what it's like to be them? We can have many experiences of God, but we know God by kinship.

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