Wednesday, May 25, 2022

National Adolescence

It used to be that everyone was children and parents. Then, one year, a precocious child got rid of his parents and entered adolescence. His capabilities grew and he was happy and free. The other parents (and many of the children) were horrified at his freedom. There are ways in which parents (and children) are more mature than adolescents. But because the bodies of the children craved to be adolescent, one by one they rejected their parents and were free, despite the attempts of some of the parents to control them to prevent the change.

It used to be that within the children there was the good child, who obeyed his parents, and the bad child, who disobeyed. But within the adolescents, all parts are equal, and all parts are valued. And between the different adolescents, all are equal, although some are much stronger than others. They create a brotherhood and sisterhood of adolescents, enjoying hanging out, taking drugs, having sex, doing graffiti, and playing loud music.

The parents and children live for all kinds of reasons, but the adolescents live, and always have lived, for pleasing themselves.

The adolescents increasingly hope, and the parents and children increasingly fear, that adolescence will conquer the world. That it's the final state of human development, and there will be no further maturing beyond that point.

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