Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Horror Math

Here is a Twitter thread that I wrote that I wanted to put on this blog:

Has anyone made math that doesn't (always) resolve? E.g. X + -X that can't be made 0, but which is always X + -X.

I got this idea from the horror of something that is simultaneously good and bad without resolving to a "shade of grey". (The horror of forcing two opposites into one thing without resolving them.) So it could be "horror math".

I'm not sure it would be that useful, but I note that 2N/(4(X + -X)) resolves to N/(2(X + -X)) in horror math, while in regular math it resolves to "undefined".

Since math is often talking about reality, there may be cases where X + -X talks about reality more accurately than reducing them down to 0. So they should be immune, or partially immune, to mathematical processing.

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